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Call for tuition fee rises by business leaders


In the latest report by the CBI (The Confederation of British Industry), calls for the inevitable increase in tuition fees and that "Maintenance grants should be focused on those most in need".

CBI logoThe Confederation of British Industry is a lobbying organisation for UK businesses on national and international issues, and their report is the culmination of a year’s work by the CBI Higher Education Task Force to look into issues involving UK businesses and the Higher Education system.

"…the rapid rise in student numbers, coupled with a severe strain on public finances, makes current public funding levels unsustainable" – CBI report

The report outlines that the government should drop its current aim of 50 percent of 18-30 years olds to attend HE to a lower level basically calling for less young people to attend university.

The National Union of Students responded by calling the report a publication of "gross hypocrisy" from the "fat cats at the CBI". The NUS president Wes Streeting had this to say:

“At a time of economic crisis, when many hard working families are struggling to support their offspring through university, I am astonished that the CBI should be making such offensive recommendations…”

Click here to read NUS’s response

For the full report by the Confederation of British Industry in pdf format click the following link:

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